Thursday, October 17, 2024


In the shadows, I once lay bound,

A captive of whispers, a prisoner of sound.
But now I rise, a phoenix in flight,
With embers of courage igniting the night.

The tendrils of fear once curled at my feet,
But I stand unyielding, defiant, complete.
With each breath I take, the darkness recedes,
My heart blooms with power, from soil of my needs.

The echoes of nightmares, once haunting my dreams,
Now shatter like glass in the face of my screams.
I gather the fragments, I stitch them with grace,
Each piece tells a story of strength in this space.

The moonlight, a lantern, now guides my way,
Illuminating paths where shadows once played.
I weave through the darkness, no longer a prey,
The night bows before me, my will holds sway.

For I am the tempest, the storm uncontained,
A warrior of light, from the ashes reclaimed.
With branches now trembling, the dark bends and breaks,
For in my own heart, the true magic awakes.

So let them come creeping, let them come near,
With courage as armor, I’ll hold them in fear.
I am the sun rising, the dawn breaking free,
A child turned to warrior, unchained and with glee.

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